Knowledge and Validity Have Power

Knowledge and validity have an inherent power in themselves. They are of existence. One may try to gain power through lying, and it can be effective. However, falsehoods only last as long as a person is willing to hold them or is fooled by them. A truth is something eternal that one can grasp regardless of whether someone else is there or not. It doesn’t wear away as more truths are discovered, like a lie. Instead, all more truth does to a truth is provide it context and bring you closer to wider truths.

Knowledge and validity also have use. Objectively understanding a thing gives you the ability to choose your behavior in accordance with its laws and make use of it. It is our understanding of the physical world that allows us to engineer and build the things we do. Likewise, an understanding of people allows one to create just and effective societies. The truth allows you to grasp what you can and cannot do to a thing to properly benefit from it.